SkinFIT Microcurrent Facial $165
A ``workout for your face`` WarmUP with oxygenating microdermabrasion crystals to exfoliate the skin, WorkOUT with microcurrent techniques to tone, lift, and re-educate the facial muscles, and CoolDOWN with a polypeptide collagel+ mask to boost collagen for a plumper, firmer appearance.
About Microcurrent
How does microcurrent work?
The electrical current runs between the positive and negatively charged conductors (in salon devices, usually long slender rods). When both are in contact with your skin, the current flows through the muscles, training them to tone up. As the mild electrical pulses stimulate your facial muscles, they create a more toned and lifted appearance with regular use – just like a sculpting gym workout for your face. Other benefits include: boosts circulation, enhances penetration of skincare products, stimulates collagen and elastin production, and increases ATP production thereby improving the appearance of your skin at the cellular level.
For a more lifted and toned appearance, book your SkinFIT Microcurrent Facial now!